Stage 3 - Spatial Coordination
The typical constructure cycle
Undertake Design Studies and Engineering Analysis to test the Sustainability
Outcomes, including carrying out a building performance assessment following Plan
for Use protocol, and develop the design in more detail.
Submit a Building Regulations Application and any interim certification applications
(e.g. BREEAM).
Integrate Sustainability Outcomes into a Spatially Coordinated design aligned to
Project Stakeholder consultation Feedback. incorporating lessons learned from Post
Occupancy Evaluation Feedback and the review of precedents, and record new
lessons learned.
Identify and update record of performance risks to inform Stage 4 tasks and
deliverables, and mitigate any deviation from the Sustainability Outcomes. Embed
the requirements for Post Occupancy Evaluation in the Procurement Strategy.
Include a record of key design decisions to deliver the Sustainable Outcomes in the
Stage Report.